Review SSL certificate expiry notifsOpen


  • Currently 90 days, but this doesn't play well with Let's Encrypt certs
  • Not currently customisable at all
  • Even if this was globally customisable, it would be difficult to find a value that works for both annual & 90-day LE certsĀ 
    • Potential solution is to allow the notification window to be set per certificate, but would prefer to avoid this


  • Potentially we can allow global customisation based on the certificate lifetime (end date - start date = lifetime?):
    • If more than 90 days lifetime, alert at $config_certificate_notify_long_life
    • If less than 30 days lifetime, alert atĀ $config_certificate_notify_short_life
    • Both vars set in Admin Settings > Notifications?
25.03 - Stable - Due: 2025-03-20
Assigned To: =^_^=Marcus
Created Date: 2025-01-28 07:20:28
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